< cv >
Matias Ferraro
(Frontend Web Developer)
/ Contact Info
Living in Italy 🇮🇹
Province Asti, Piedmont
/ summary
I am a Frontend Developer with 3 years of experience, I am passionate about web development and I am always looking for improving my skills and making better applications. I work with the latest tools to provide the best user experience. I focus on performance, clean code and best practices.
/ work experience
( Frontend Web Developer )
May.2021 - Present
- I work hard to deliver the best quality to my clients
( Frontend Web Developer )
Ago.2022 - Feb.2023
- Developing and maintaining the frontend of the company
- Working with NextJS, React, VueJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS
- Working with the team in Scrum Methodology to improve the code quality and the performance of the apps
( Frontend Web Developer )
Sept.2021 - Jul.2022
- Developing and maintaining the frontend of the company
- Working with ReactJS, VTEXIO
- Developing e-commerce apps as well as improve the performance of the existing ones
/ projects
Site made with NextJS & Typescript, ChakraUI and MongoDB. It's a blog where you can create posts and comment on them. It has a login system with JWT and Bcrypt for password encryption. It also has a system to upload images to Cloudinary.
Site made with NextJS & Typescript, MaterialUI and MongoDB. It's an e-commerce site where you can buy any kind of clothes. It has a login system with NextAuth. It also count with many features like a shopping cart, a wishlist, a system to upload images to Cloudinary, a store locator, an admin site with stock control, a system to create, update and delete products.
Windows 11 Clone
As a personal portfolio this site was made with React, SASS and MongoDB, among others. It's full of features like a Todo App, Spotify app for listening to music, also has my Resume and a collection of my works.
Rock Paper Scissors
This application is a simple game of rock, paper, scissors, but the difference is how it has been done. In this application I have implemented two Design Patterns: Factory & Strategy, these were tested in Vitest with TDD strategy to ensure quality and good functionality. This application was made entirely with Svelte
This app was made with Vue and Typescript, is a Map who is integrated with MapBox API. It has a search bar where you can search for a place and it will show you the location on the map. It also has a button to get your current location. If you want you can trace the path with a line and know how much distance and time are between two dots.
/ stack